02. Southwest Open Juniors (U16)

$ 910.00

  1. Age for this season is - age as of 1/1/2024.
  2. All dates and locations are subject to change.
  3. DEADLINE FOR ENTRY is 5pm the Tuesday before each event you are entering.
  4. A competitor MUST physically surf in 50% +1 (in your regional conference) to qualify for the regional championships. You must pay for the remaining 3 events needed to qualify for minimum points or surf in the NW Open (for a total of 7). Southwest Open is Ventura to San Diego.
  5. To qualify for the Nationals, you must do the above and also surf in the West Coast Championships.
  6. If you pay for an event and do not alert me by the deadline date that you will not be attending (unless you have a doctor's note) you will not receive any points and will forfeit the entry fee.
  7. Southwest Open Season area is Huntington Beach to San Diego.